Biz Teleport Bug

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Former Staff
Description (in few words): Teleport to our own biz (/biz --> More --> Continue --> Teleport) does not work while players are in vehicle.

What is happening? Please try to be as detailed as possible:
When a player tries to teleport to his/her own biz using /biz feature without driving a vehicle, it will spawn players to the particular biz. However, when a player biz teleport with vehicle, it will spawn player to the biz for less than a second, before spawning back to the previous location. This can be frustrating as players have to leave vehicle to do biz teleport.

Steps to replicate (if possible):
1) Spawn a vehicle
2) Teleport to biz (/biz --> More --> Continue --> Teleport)
3) Bug happened, as player will be spawn near biz for a while, before switching back to the same location.

Additional information that may be useful (include screenshots or videos here):

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