NPCs for the stunt wars

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New Member
Hello everyone ! I thought an suggestion while spending time on the server. There are too many new players in the server and they don't know how to do stunts in the /swar. That's why if there is an npc , NPCs can guides to players for every stunt in the /swar , So it shows the movements we have to do in the stunt war maps. I hope this suggesstion is accepted by the administrators.

- with the best regards. ;)
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New Stunter of the Year | 2019
Former Staff
I find this a fantastic suggestion. Because recently I thought of that too and was planning to suggest it in a big batch.
I remembered an old video I saved which was basically this.


Server Owner
It's a good idea, but simply not feasible, on the basis we would have to create a recording for each and every stunt manually.

Additionally, we do already give a player guidance. There's a chat message:


And there's also a white arrow that indicates your target point, as well as a red checkpoint which indicates your completion point. Putting two and two together with all that help shouldn't be all that difficult.
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