Rate yourself here


Well-Known Member
Title says it all!

Okay for example :

Deathmatching : 9,25/10

Racing : 6.50/10

Drifting : 4/10

Mapping : 7/10

Scripting : 2/10 (hello world)


Deathmatching: 6/10

Racing: 7/10

Drifting: 5/10

Mapping: 9/10

Scripting: 9.5/10

Yea, I got better in coding than mapping..  9_9


Former Staff
Deathmatching: 6/10

Racing: 3.5/10

Drifting: 6/10

Mapping: N/A

Scripting: N/A

I haven't tried mapping and scripting yet so who knows, I might be good at it or I'm terrible.


Well-Known Member
Ok I am going to rate Madvillayo :

Deathmatching : 0/10

Racing : 0/10

Drifting : 0/10

Mapping : 1/10

Scripting : (idk he can be pro at that)


Former Staff
Deathmatching 10/10 (arrogance at its best)

Racing 7/10

Drifting 5/10

Mapping 0/10

Scripting 0/10 never been interested in these stuff


Server Owner
Deathmatching : 8/10

Racing : 6/10

Drifting : 7/10

Mapping : 0/10 (never tried mapping)

Scripting : 3/10 (Pawn). I know bits and pieces from other programming languages. 


Former Staff
Deathmatching : 9999/10

Racing : 9999/10

Drifting : 9999/10

Mapping : 9999/10

Scripting :  9999/10

what the fuck is this
You mean -> Deathmatching : -9999/10

Probably even lower, gone into negative numbers asf...

Deathmatching : 8/10

Racing : 5/10

Drifting : 3/10

Mapping : 7/10

Scripting : Guess what, -1000/10


Former Staff
Deathmatching : 6/10

Racing : -10/10

Drifting : -10/10

Mapping : 7.5/10 (I tried it and i did a bit well (at least for me) and thus)

Scripting : n+1/10 (n is the number of your scripting skills)