<SF-SE> In-Game Guide for Newbies.


 How to connect or How to join SF-SE?:​

1. Download the latest version of SA-MP​

2. Install it and open it and enter your name.​

3. Add the IP Address:  play.SF-SE.net:7777 on your favourite.​

4.Connect and you will be connected.​

After getting connected you have to register by entering password into the box:​


After getting Register you have to Select your Spawn Place and then Press Spawn to Spawn into game:​


>> How to check your Statistics?:​

Type /stats in game to see your statistics:​


In your Statistics you will see User ID which is Account ID which may vary with players.​

Kills: Here kills means that the number of players you have killed.​

Death: Number of Times you have got killed.​

>> What are the rules for the server??
To check Rules of the server type /rules to check the Rules of the server:​


>> How can you get the list of commands??:​

Type /cmds in game to get the list of commands.​


>> How can you gain score?:​

Gaining scores is a most important thing for competition purposes.
1) Try to be online more and more .
2) Play deathmatches to get scores.
3) Play races.
4) There are many other stuff like Duel and etc. to gain score.​



>>>This is my first guide,I will try to improve it.



