Nurik_Marat (371)

Nurik_Marat has played on the server 0 times throughout December!

General Information

Level Regular Player
Member Since 17 June 2017 - 12:23:19 (2,728 days)
Last Seen 15 December 2017 - 17:14:47 (2,546 days ago)
XP 306
Money $200,000
Skin 24


Kills 143
Deaths 123
Duels Played 0
Duels Won 0
Biggest Killstreak 11
K/D Ratio 1.16
Current Weapon Set Standard

Feel free to change the style by changing &style=#, (# being a number between 1-7!)

Player statistics userbar for Nurik_Marat


CopChase Arrests 0
CopChase Escapes 0
Derby Wins 0
Fallout Wins 0
Mazes Escaped 0
Math Tests Won 0
Reactions Won 2
Goldpots Found 0
Highest Goldpot Streak 0
Vehicles Exported 0
Stunts Landed 0
Flags Captured 0
Challenges Completed 0
Jobs Completed 0

Latest Sessions

Total time spent online: 6 hours & 19 minutes

There are no session records to display for Nurik_Marat!

Nurik_Marat has finished 4 races, won 0 of them, finished second 0 times and finished third 1 time.
They are currently holding a total of 0 race records

Nurik_Marat has landed 0 stunt wars and is currently controlling 0 of them

Nurik_Marat has unlocked 5 achievements.

Achievement Time achieved
Starting Member Time not recorded
Essential Worker Time not recorded
Put 'em to bed Time not recorded
Rest In Peace Time not recorded
Mass Murderer Time not recorded