SERVER Promoting more minigames in spawn areas


You probably have noticed this if you been to (/sf) in-game, this is the only spawn area with animated object rotating 360° to direct you to a minigame (/mg - minigun).

My proposal is to promote such minigames like this in below areas:
  • /sfair​
  • /lsair​
  • /dam​
  • /aa​
These areas are visited regularly by players.

These are list of minigames in-game:

If you go under "Deathmatches", this is the list:

We can spread few of these minigames across proposed areas, not necessary all.
This would be cool to have, indeed.

Note: no need to have the minigun again in other locations, as it is already in /sf, you got my point ya! ;)


Member of the Year | 2020
Server Staff
I like this idea, this will promote the server minigames.

In my opinion a dialog should open after walking onto those rotating "minigame icons" to confirm whether the player wants to join the minigame or not.

The dialog can be something like this:

Join XXX?
Players: N

_______ _______
[ JOIN ] [ EXIT ]