Recent content by Clumsy

  1. Clumsy

    What music are you listening to right now?

    been listening to a lot of slick rick recently, one of my favorite songs rn is Behind Bars
  2. Clumsy

    Password Reset Requests

    forgot my password and now i need a new temp password to access it back Username: Clumsy MV: PM Sent
  3. Clumsy


    Whats up big man, enjoy your stay at SFSE.
  4. Clumsy

    Write the name of your 3 Best Friends In SFSE.

    its always 1.Kostas: nice personality 2.Akira: making fun but its a vibe i can handle with 3.Messi: because why not
  5. Clumsy

    new layout looks good poggers

    new layout looks good poggers
  6. Clumsy

    what do you like about akira

    overusage of math.cs and reactiontest.cs OMEGALUL
  7. Clumsy


    ive been here for a bit but let me still introduce myself, im clumsy the 2018 player that cant still aim for shit and refuses to go to battlefield and pulls stunts with BMX sometimes, or i just go dummy stupid with infernus, either way nice to know new players in this community
  8. Clumsy

    tfw women

    tfw women
  9. Clumsy

    A small teaser

    yOOOOOOOOOO, this can change the layout to a modernish style, nice leak luis ;)
  10. Clumsy

    today is my bday pog

    atleast im 1 year close to death :thumbsup: can i get some happy birthdays
  11. Clumsy

    [FORUM GAME] Rate the avatar above!

    6/10 too edgy
  12. Clumsy

    chat with akira

  13. Clumsy

    SF-SE screenshots

    excuse me but how the F U C K did i land this and yes i did completed it
  14. Clumsy

    SF-SE screenshots

    my first swar in this server. i feel proud that i landed one for the first time
  15. Clumsy

    Rate the player above you.

    ya dont know me so 4/10