Recent content by Dr.Hax

  1. Dr.Hax

    Game suggestions

    This is a thread for people to suggest games to one another. Like the title says.
  2. Dr.Hax

    Word Chain

  3. Dr.Hax

    Joining SFSE's Discord Server

  4. Dr.Hax

    Epic moment in /derby

    When the gaming gods smile upon you.
  5. Dr.Hax


    If anyone wondered where I've been or if I am dead, no I am not. My PC bit the dust around august 24th last year. That is why I have not been active on the good ol server. Just wanted to let anyone that remembers me know.
  6. Dr.Hax

    What is your porn name

    Monster Milker (insert lenny face)
  7. Dr.Hax

    Post Your Favorite Online Games Aside From SAMP?

    Red Orchestra 2. You die a lot, but it is fun to play. Had some legendary matches, like where some low level 14 squad leader got behind enemy lines on Apartments and we all spawned on him. 10/10 would spawn on him again. There were 9 people in the squad. And he won us the match.
  8. Dr.Hax

    What is your favorite food?

    Probably pancakes and fish.
  9. Dr.Hax

    [FORUM GAME] Guess who will post next

    jumps down Hello there. I guess Akira next
  10. Dr.Hax

    7th anniversary of SFSE!

    *plays soviet anthem*
  11. Dr.Hax


    Welcome m8.
  12. Dr.Hax

    [FORUM GAME] This or That?

    Sloth. Having a 400 constant ping in any game or having 20 fps while playing? 