Recent content by EsperZ

  1. EsperZ

    Joining SFSE's Discord Server

    EsperZ EsperZ#1051
  2. EsperZ

    [FORUM GAME] Guess who will post next

    Not sure if I count anymore, but I guess you're right :) AlanNeos
  3. EsperZ

    [FORUM GAME] This or That?

    Potato. Youtube or Facebook?
  4. EsperZ

    Rate yourself here

    Deathmatching: 9.5/10 Racing: 5/10 Drifting: 5/10 Mapping: 8/10 Scripting: 6/10
  5. EsperZ

    [FORUM GAME] This or That?

    Blue. Black or White?
  6. EsperZ

    Favorite music

    Why should we? I still watch Sponge Bob till now :P
  7. EsperZ

    Reap's IRC HexChat Guide

    I personally prefer mIRC, but this tutorial is far helpful! Well done! im always in irc m8 :P
  8. EsperZ

    7th anniversary of SFSE!

    Amazing in 2010 as amazing today! Happy birthday SFSE and hope you guys achieve more in the future!
  9. EsperZ

    Changelog (Build 270)

    Amazing job! Big thanks to everyone who was involved in this build. Keep up the good work! 
  10. EsperZ

    [FORUM GAME] This or That?

    Deathmatching. Sour or Salty?
  11. EsperZ

    IRC Channel

    I recommend mIRC or HexChat, I don't find clients that are on browsers that good so yeah.
  12. EsperZ

    Favorite music

  13. EsperZ

    [FORUM GAME] This or That?

    2nd person :) Headphones or Earphones?
  14. EsperZ

    Introduction of myself

    Hey welcome to SFSE, enjoy your stay, and beat some records :P
  15. EsperZ


    Hello and welcome! Hope you have a great time :)