Recent content by Prixint

  1. Prixint

    Speed zones

    Like gta v online? I like it but i don't think it is possible /sb and infernus ftw.
  2. Prixint

    Joining SFSE's Discord Server

    In-game nickname: Prixint Discord name and number: Prixint#4844 Polarbear: Denied (You do not have 5 hours playing time)
  3. Prixint

    Increasing your FPS

    Having higher frame rate also has cons such as slow swiming,glitches and driving control gets heavy...
  4. Prixint


    hello,i'm prixint. nice to meet y'all!
  5. Prixint

    Increasing your FPS

    i think 60 fps is quite enough for 60hz monitors?