Recent content by ThunderingFlap

  1. T

    Best Ping of 2017

    damn did you just dox me 
  2. T

    Best Ping of 2017

    wtf is a exe
  3. T

    Best Ping of 2017

    wtf lies :D
  4. T

    Best Ping of 2017

    0 ping pls
  5. T

    [FORUM GAME] Ban the person above you

    Banned for abusing money givers.
  6. T

    Paste what is currently in your clipboard

    ExecuteQuery(MYSQL *connection, std::function<void(MYSQL_RES*, bool)>func, char *query, ...)
  7. T

    Paste what is currently in your clipboard

    auto object = GamePool_Object_GetAt(i);
  8. T


    They're already added? Yes, this suggestion would be useful to everyone that deathmatches.
  9. T

    Rate yourself here

    True. Deathmatching : 0/10 Racing : 0/10 Drifting : 0/10 Mapping : 0/10 Scripting : 9.9/10 (Yes @xShadow I was once a pawner myself.)
  10. T


    Here's a couple of jokes: @TheDarkness @IroniZ @cawfee please enjoy.
  11. T

    /tow command

    Heh, thought that only trailer ids were supported for that, thanks!
  12. T

    /tow command

    I've seen some people complain that they cannot tow a vehicle using a tow truck so I suggest to make a tow command for use with the tow truck only so people cannot abuse it and make sure vehicle is not occupied etc. Cheers. EDIT: Unless there's a tow command what has a different name, if so...
  13. T


    Hello and welcome!