Changes to Bans

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Server Owner
Hi all,

As many of you know, historically we have banned cheaters for 72 hours as standard, with the potential for the ban to escalate to become permanent for repeat offenses. The aim of the 72 hour practice was to educate cheaters that this is not acceptable, with the hope being they'll remove their cheats on returning.

Sadly, in most cases the education doesn't pay off, and cheaters will come back and cheat, causing disruption and misery for other players. We believe the re-offending rate to be rather high, and excessive.

To try and combat this problem and make for a more enjoyable server and experience for legitimate players, as of today, all bans will be permanent*.

We make it very easy to appeal a ban, there is an "Unban" link in the header of our main website, and the instructions to appeal are as clear as a whistle, including screenshots. As such if a player gets banned who objects (i.e. does not believe the ban to be accurate), we hope they will appeal.

* Temporary bans may still be given out in the event of rule violations that do not involve cheating or at a staff's member's discretion (i.e. a player won't stop flaming)

We hope that this change helps to deliver a more peaceful and enjoyable server.

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