SERVER DM player count doesn't include /chainsaw

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Goldpot Hunter of the Year | 2019 & 2022
Description (in few words): The counter for /dm doesn't include players in /chainsaw

What is happening? Please try to be as detailed as possible: The command /m opens a dialog with all minigames and counters for how many players are in each minigame, including deathmatches. The DM counter includes players in all DM's: /bf, /dmi etc. However, players in /chainsaw aren't counted as players in a deathmatch.

Steps to replicate (if possible): Join /chainsaw. Check Deathmatches counter in /m.

Additional information that may be useful (include screenshots or videos here):
/m dialog showing 0 players in deathmatches


/dm dialog showing 11 players in chainsaw
(if you're wondering how we got so many players in /chainsaw, an event took place 2 weeks ago, but I forgot to report the bug sooner)


Desired Reward (see here): Minor
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