several suggestions


I'd like to start off by saying that some of these suggestions are more needed (in my opinion) than others, though my list is in no particular order.
This is a list of 6 ideas that I think would benefit the players on the server and lead to a more fun experience.

Armor in DM Zones

I won't go into much detail on this one, as I've previously made a thread on this topic.
You can see my stance and why I advocate for armor in DM zones here.
wax said:
now that sfse has server sided damage, fights between skilled players last no longer than 5 seconds. 3 deagles in a row / 2 accurate 2shots / 1 accurate 4shot will kill someone. my suggestion is to add armor for everyone in the dm areas, as well as armor drops after you kill someone. adding armor fights will reward consistent players, and decrease the amount of lucky kills

TDM Map Rotation

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the dm area for /tdm. One team starts out with a height advantage, and the other team starts on the other side of a building. This (in my experience) either leads to one team staying in their spawn while the other team rushes them. The only problem is, the rushing team is punished. If the team spawning on top of the building is not moving, they have a significant advantage by not coming down and shooting players running up the stairs, as there is only one way to the roof. If the team spawning behind the building near the crane is not moving, they have enough cover to sit back and snipe the rushing team which have no cover. All in all, its basically a team based /sniper dm location. It would be nice to see a pool of maps added to the DM area to diversify the play styles that are possible in a team game mode.

/Leave Abuse Rework

I understand that a system was recently put in place to help abolish the abuse of /leave, but unfortunately the current system isn't fool proof. I propose a new system. A system that awards you the kill on a player once they use /leave, if you were the last player to damage them. A kill would be added to your /stats, as well as a death added to the user who used /leave after being damaged by another player. Not sure if there is an even better solution, but this was the best I could think of, as it would technically be impossible to /leave to avoid death while in a gunfight.

Collision Toggle

I've recently learned that this was a feature before the transfer to c++, and was told it wasn't added back because the staff team wasn't sure if they wanted the feature to return. I believe that this feature should definitely make a comeback. I won't lie, I don't have a lot of reasons why I think it should come back, but I do have one good reason why I wish this feature would be added to the server, and that reason is goldpots. Although I do realize that the number of people who hunt goldpots competitively is relatively low, I still think this feature would drastically improve the gameplay of those who do. I've made a short video of 2 examples where no collision would greatly improve gameplay.

As you see in the first clip, another player pushed me out of the way, resulting in me spinning out. Though this is less common, its by no exceptions rare.
Now for the second clip, this is all too common. When two players teleport to the same location at the same time, this causes them to spawn on top of each other. The player that spawns second will fall on top of the other player, causing them to become disoriented which could ultimately throw them off. Adding the option to disable collision would fix this issue, leading to a more fun and fair experience.

Duel Rework

I believe the duel feature could be reworked in order to provide a faster paced, fairer experience. I'd like to start off by posting a video of a 3 "round" duel, showcasing 2 things I think could be updated.

At the start of the video, you can see I showed my /stats. I continue to show my stats after every fight. Currently, the round system just lets you duel several consecutive times in a row. I think it would be more fair if the rounds were counted up, and whoever won the most rounds won the full duel. Kind of like a best out of 3/5/7/9 system, or however many rounds you choose. The other thing that I would like to point out, is that the countdown timer in between rounds is agonizingly long. 15 seconds is quite a long time to wait before fighting again. I would suggest lowering the timer to around 3 seconds. 3 seconds is more than enough time to recompose yourself before heading into another fight in my opinion. And of course the last thing I would suggest for duels is the addition of armor, as it rewards consistency.

Removal of Flamethrower in /gg

This is the last suggestion I have for the server. I understand that it's common to be given a weapon that's difficult to kill people with in gun games, but I think the flamethrower is a little too harsh considering how broken the fire mechanic is in SA:MP. Here's a short video I made to help explain my point.

As many of you may know, it is possible to avoid fire damage simply by being in an animation. This includes jumping and climbing. It is extremely common for a player to start jumping while on fire to avoid damage. While a player is jumping to avoid damage, they are wide open to be shot at by other players, resulting in your kill being taken. Not only is it easy to avoid fire damage, but it also completely removes your ability to shoot other players. Due to the lack of ability to shoot people, it further incentivises the jumping to avoid damage technique. I would suggest to remove the flamethrower entirely. Perhaps replace it with the chainsaw, or maybe even the country rifle.

This concludes my thread of suggestions. I put a lot of thought into these suggestions and I hope they are taken into consideration. Thank you for reading!​
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1) Already suggested so i don't need to write my opinion.
2) Yes, the TDM arena or map is just annoying and red team keeps sniping while they are up on the building.
3) I agree with this idea too.
4) It will be better if it is for freeroam only (Not derby), because it's annoying when someone pushes you while you are racing.
5) I only agree with the seconds suggestion, because it's normal if it counts the wins every round and don't forget that the rounds thing was suggested.
6) Fire mechanic is broken in SA-MP as you said. For example: there is someone with over 1000 ping playing gungame and you try to burn him using the Flamethrower and he takes the fire damage just when he kills you on his screen or even doesn't even take it at all. So changing the weapon 14 will be a good idea. I vote for Grenades.


Goldpot Hunter of the Year | 2019 & 2022
Most of these are DM-related suggestions. As I'm not a very active DMer, I can't take a clear stance on some of these.
Armor in DM zones and duels was already suggested here.
TDM map: I agree that the current map is somewhat unfair and boring. Sadly, I can't think of any good alternatives.
Collisions: Polarbear started a discussion about it here. I've posted my view on the subject there as well.
Duel: I'd rather keep the duel wins round-based. Winning 5 duels out of 9 isn't the same as winning 1 out of 1. Also, I've always thought that the timer is so long to let the health pick-ups disappear. If there's a work-around for that, I'd welcome a decrease from 15 to 5 seconds.


4) It will be better if it is for freeroam only (Not derby), because it's annoying when someone pushes you while you are racing.
That's the idea. Of course it wouldn't be available in derby, much like how speedboost isn't available in derby. It would be a freeroam only feature.

5) I only agree with the seconds suggestion, because it's normal if it counts the wins every round and don't forget that the rounds thing was suggested.

Yes, I'm aware the rounds thing was suggested, I'm the one who suggested it. It was just implemented differently than I had imagined. The current round system isn't bad, I just think it would be better with a "best of" system.


Well-Known Member
negative on collision (removes realism of the game), duels (Sulps thoughts), /leave abuse rework (better only to grant leaver with death instead of giving kill to last damage giver)

the rest positive