Suggestions batch

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New Stunter of the Year | 2019
Former Staff
Community management
I think we should appoint community management. This means appointing a council for swar, dm and races. Those people get the final say in whatever happens in those communities. Regarding new races, new stunts and possibly new maps for /dm. I think this is a key opportunity to involve the regular players and kinda reward them by giving them some recognition for everything they do within the communities.

I mentioned this to BloodR1ng and BloodR1ng said it was a good idea, this means it is a good idea. The point of the command is for it to show stunts in the nearby surrounding. So you don't have to rely on the names that were given to the swars to find if it's a good swar or to see for potential duplicates if new swars are suggested.

Auto tune upgrade
Auto tune currently ignores a few vehicles. Cheetah is one i was made aware of while racing. I think auto tune should automatically tune all cars that are possible to be modified with spoilers etc. An additional concept we could consider was having auto tune automatically apply /hyd to vehicles that commonly used it if this was toggled. Infernus, Turismo, Cheetah, Bullet, Banshee just to name the most common vehicles that use /hyd.

Semi regular /race clearing
Races are currently barely cleared. They are mainly only cleared if people hacked a record. I think we could implement 'seasons' for race periods and reward consistent top racers with some sort of in game reward that has yet to be discussed. Again, another great way to reward consistent players.

Store /s in /swar after spectating
When in /swar and you are asked to spectate someone, your /s will be cleared upon reentering the /swar world. I think it'd be great if the /s used in /swar, would be great if it could be stored in /swar. I assume this is cleared to prevent extreme cheesing from the freeroam world. But it's SUPER annoying to resave position each time.

/swar anti-cheese by Aut0psia
User Aut0psia had a fantastic idea to prevent cheesing in /swar. The idea was to create a secondary checkpoint the user had to go through in order for the /swar landing to be counted. This would prevent cheesing in 99% of the cases. Now I wanted to add on to this that we already have a secondary marker, being the arrow. Maybe we can turn that into the secondary checkpoint. Great idea by Aut0psia, and I would LOVE for this to be implemented. We'll have to make sure the /swar stunts aren't stupidly difficult however.

Multiple /swar arrows
Many people were confused by the /swar with the name "SF Rooftops 8". This is an 'upgrade' of an existing similarly named swar. The 'upgrade' consist of a secondary bump on what would be the landing in the aforementioned swar. Quite a lot of people were unsure of what was expected, so adding a secondary arrow on the roof would probably clear up a lot of confusion. Just one of the examples I found. Added a picture for clarification.
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Goldpot Hunter of the Year | 2019 & 2022
I never stunt, tbh, so I can't say much about most of your suggestions. Here's my take on the rest:

Community Management
At some point (2017 or '18?) the staff appointed a Race Moderator team that was responsible for choosing new races and filtering out unpopular existing races. It faded away pretty quickly, because the Race Moderators didn't actively deal with these things.
In itself, the idea is worth trying. It would take the burden of checking race suggestions and other similar tasks away from the head admins, giving it to people interested in the specific minigames instead. Based on past experience, the success of community management comes down to the activity of the people chosen.

Autotune upgrade
I rarely use /autotune, but it obviously should tune every car that can be tuned.

/race clearing
They are mainly only cleared if people hacked a record.
I wouldn't call that clearing, because in that case only the hacked record is removed. The rest stay as they were.
Regarding the suggestion itself:
This is a good idea in general. A few years ago, SFSE automatically deleted all race times older than 2 months. As a remnant of this, when you hover your mouse over the race date, you'll see the text "Entry will expire in [number here] days" or "Entry will expire tonight". The entries don't actually expire any more, though.
However, if this is implemented again, the time until deletion should be much longer, maybe 6 months to a year. Racing 300 races every 2 months to get a decent record in each is simply too much.
Funnily enough, every race has a record that's been made in the last year. The oldest records I found were made on 8 March 2019. This gives me the idea that records older than 12 months are deleted already. Can any staff member confirm this?


Server Owner
Funnily enough, every race has a record that's been made in the last year. The oldest records I found were made on 8 March 2019. This gives me the idea that records older than 12 months are deleted already. Can any staff member confirm this?

This script gets run manually at the discretion of cawfee or myself. IIRC we haven't run it all this year. I've messaged cawfee and maybe we'll run it again today. I think it would be a good opportunity to do so.

Doing so would also sell houses whose owners haven't been online for 3 months, and a few other things.

EDIT: DONE. Race records over 3 months old have been pruned, as have houses with no owner logins for 3 months.
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Goldpot Hunter of the Year | 2019 & 2022
EDIT: DONE. Race records over 3 months old have been pruned, as have houses with no owner logins for 3 months.
Are you sure it's 3 months? The oldest record I can find now is from 21 January. That makes 2 months, which matches what I mentioned above.
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