Chaos Sep 20, 2018 Don't downgrade your dreams just to fit your reality, upgrade your conviction to match your destiny!
Chaos Sep 20, 2018 lemme clear, Luis is basically him but his disguise is her but under that disguise is him but further deeper into his heart, its her!
lemme clear, Luis is basically him but his disguise is her but under that disguise is him but further deeper into his heart, its her!
Chaos Aug 28, 2018 @xShadow gimme dat osu skin link, i installed new windows and osu default skin sucks!
Chaos Aug 26, 2018 No. MOB blacklisted you for insulting the MOB members and going against its interests!
Chaos Aug 23, 2018 Kond, Stop acting like you really care for life/anything! STOP PRANKING US! You are literally making me cry T_T
Kond, Stop acting like you really care for life/anything! STOP PRANKING US! You are literally making me cry T_T