Challenges idea


Stunter of the Year | 2022
Server Staff
Hey guys, I've seen some guys doing this thing and I really loved the idea! I will try to bring it to sfse and I hope you guys will like it.
I named it Challenges.
The idea is this, (example John record a challenge, lets say a nrg-500 grind, and Timmy has to replicate it and then post his challenge after it for example infernus flip or something. Then the third person repeats Timmy's challenge and post his, ect ect....)
If we guys get enough attention to this I will be posting the first challenge soon enough since i have it done!!!

Some rules i made up:
1.You need to use the same vehicle as the challenge you are trying to replicate.
2.You need to record it
3. post it on yt or anywhere else, any kind of video that anyone could acces and watch it.
4.Before your challenge, you have to show the video of the old challenge that was done, then of you repeating it and then posting your challenge on the end, basically showing the guys video who made the challenge, then you doing it and then yours on the end. /bounce or /speedboost abusing,
6.also try to replicate it as close as you can, lets say someone did nrg 360 into a grind, so try to do the same and do a 360 instead of skipping it straight to the grind (replica doesnt have to be 1:1 since that would be impossible haha!)
give me your ideas if one of you would like to do this, just for fun! ( and i hope i am posting this in the right section.) ill check if this gets good attention i am posting first challenge right away!