Since we have no common sense surrounding this game let me go ahead and state the obvious since Mad is busy. This game is purely played to have fun, 2004 map and game has little to no meaning or fun to old players. Yet this minigame gives the opportinity to have fun and play the game with fellow buddies. Posting the nerdy “hahahah look at me guys try and find my picture” impossible pictures is what KILLS this game. Sure there is no rule as per how big or small or obvious your picture has to be(Kris posted many small ones but yet it had common thinking and sense which made it difficult but also fun) But as mentioned before, common sense is strongly encouraged when playing this game. If someones intent is to annoy and kill the minigame (like it was dead before for many months) then the non-common sense pictures will be simply ignored by every hidenseek player. Please respect your fellow hunters and use common sense. This is the new hidenseek picture requested by mad and many other fellow hunters. Have a nice dayimage.jpeg

As mentioned above, I gave the go-ahead for @KompoT to post a new picture while I was at work and unable to access the forum.

Per the first post of this thread:
• Use common sense.
Be more creative and find something to post that isn't 1-2 letters/numbers of a random shop out of the thousands of shop textures that exist in the game. Doing so requires hunters to scan every single shop in the game, exceptionally true without additional textures (e.g. walls) present. This makes the game unenjoyable. This should be for fun. Posting shit like that has killed this game before by Bassam, (curiously edited out yesterday) and it'll kill this game again. Use common sense. Try comparing your pictures to others and see how you could get creative with your angles without killing the game by posting some shit like this:
