/RB or /BUILDRACE Not Opening Bug | SFSE

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Member of the Year | 2020
Server Staff
Description: We cannot use /rb after finishing a race without last position.

What is happening?: As you can see in the video below that when I tried to use /rb or /buildrace, it left me with a message "You are not able to build a race at the moment". After all finishes the race except the last racer, there is one minute left for him to complete the race. So we will be needing to wait 1 minute to use /rb if the last racer is not able to complete the race.

Steps to replicate: Yes, just follow the steps below.
1)Finish a race but not as last position
2)Try to use /rb or /buildrace
3)It will say "ERROR: You are not able to build a race at the moment!"

Additional information that may be useful:
Yes, video.

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