Sabre's Real Life


Former Staff
Former Staff
Hi guys,

I tough u guys didn't know about my real life & ambitions in life, first i will introduce my real life first.

Tbh my real name is Jun Mark Madera i live in Philippines and I'm 16 years old, still studying in Special Program In Arts (SPA) I'm 4rth Year High School Student. Am I'm not actually good in english speaking, coz i always use my real language (Filipino).
And my ambition in life is to be a Engineer & Doctor someday, And I am a secret singer , my family and friends don't know about this. But i really love to sing. And I like Art, Painting. Thx god for given this talent to me.
If u want more story about me just post here.

ThankYou For Reading My Story :)
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Nice introduction!, nice pictures and good luck with your ambitions and btw you reminded me of a youtuber.

As you have mentioned above that you love singing so I would love to hear you sing sometime.
Nice introduction!, nice pictures and good luck with your ambitions and btw you reminded me of a youtuber.

As you have mentioned above that you love singing so I would love to hear you sing sometime.
Yeah, thx Silvay, I have a YouTube channel, I will post my video here.
But not today, I think coming soon hehe if done creating a video sing :)