Suggestion /ignore [id]

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Active Member
It's a common occurrence for a player to go to you/pm you for no reason, for anyone. My suggestion is to create a command that blocks/ignores certain people.
Command /(un)block [id] or /(un)ignore [id]
The commands would stop only certain players from going to you (/goto id cmd) or pming you.
The command should last even after you relog, and it should stay in effect till the player types /unblock [id].

  • /ignore (id/name) - Add a player to your ignore list.
  • /unignore (id/name) - Remove a player from your ignore list.
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Server Owner
We do have an /ignore [id] command to block PMs.

I definitely agree that some refinement is needed to manage who can teleport to you. I'm forever getting random people teleport to me and it can be a bit annoying, but similarly I don't want to completely disable my teleport since I sometimes play with people who I don't mind teleporting to me.

We're all familiar with social networking sites like Facebook, and even this forum, they give you some options, like this:


Maybe we could have a similar concept in-game for teleport which allows you to specify:

- On (everyone - we already have this)
- On (friends only)
- Off (we already have this)

Friends only would mean that only people you have on your friends list can teleport to you. We would of course need to implement this Friends feature, though.

A Friends only feature could potentially be quite powerful, and used for more than just Teleports, but PMs too, to block unwanted messages without having to /ignore.

It also goes without saying that friends and preferences would need to be persistent, I'm sure no one wants to set this up each time they join the game.


Server Owner
dont know if its suggested or not but /ignore should also block teleports of the specific player ignored rather than having to do /allowgoto alltogether

Thanks for the suggestion - I've merged this into an existing thread.

I'd like to think we can push this into an update sooner rather than later - will talk to @cawfee about it today :)


Server Owner
As of the next update, if you /ignore someone, they will no longer be able to teleport to you, as well as PM you, as is currently the case.

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