[UPDATED] How do I report a Player or Staff member?

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Well-Known Member

Click here to create a report thread.

Below is the template that should be followed when filing player & staff reports:

Your name or registration ID:
Name or registration ID of the reported player or staff member
Details (What did this player do? Why are you reporting them?):
Evidence (feel free to include screenshots or videos here):

When providing video or image evidence, please use a third-party hosting service (rather than a forum upload), a few that we can recommend are:

To record videos, here are a few good applications:

Thanks for taking the time to file a report. We strive to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience for all.
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I've been seeing people post threads here reporting hackers, but the titles are annoying me. As of today I'd like to see people using better titles such as;
[PLAYER REPORT] Players Name or [STAFF REPORT] Players Name as this makes it clearer for us to see.

Thank you.
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